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Saturday, 8 March 2008

New book: Forgotten Honor



Killeen, TX, Mar 4, 2008 - In Forgotten Honor, author Jerry Snodgrass

weaves a tale of fast paced suspense around a murder mystery.


Blake Tanner is a man you want on your side. Follow him as he

travels from his home in Colorado to New York City, Atlanta, London,

Istanbul, Naples, Athens, and Barcelona in search of clues and answers

connected to his friend's death.


Mary Stewart, a young beautiful Ann-Margret look alike, works for the

New York Life Insurance Company. Blake is increasingly attracted to

the young woman. Though there is a twenty-year age difference between

them, they fall in love with each other, and team together for excitement

and thrills at international locations.


"This story is dedicated to those brave military men and women who

served in Southeast Asia and Korea, and to the memory of those who

gave their lives for their country." Says Snodgrass. " Let your HONOR



About the book:

Forgotten Honor by Jerry Snodgrass

ISBN: 978-1432718176

Publisher: Outskirts Press

Date of publish: Dec 2007

Pages: 228

S.R.P.: $12.95


About the author:

GERALD "JERRY" SNODGRASS was born in Butler, Missouri,

in 1938. He entered the military after graduating from high school in 1957, and

successfully fulfilled his dreams of serving in the military and traveling

to exotic locations. He married Elizabeth Fleming in the 1960s, and they

produced a daughter and a son in the 1960s. Jerry who now lives in Killeen, Texas

is an adventurous retired Vietnam Veteran and is a Life Member of the

Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion.



Note: Review copies of this book are available by replying to this e-mail.

Please include your mailing address.


Posted by author-promo at 9:03 AM EST

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