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Thursday, 28 February 2008

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KillRod: The Cross of Lorraine Murders


Northridge, CA, Feb 11, 2008 - Kelly Moran is Hollywood's most glamorous

and in-demand movie star, until her body is found with her skull crushed in the grand

bedroom of her home high in the hills of Bel Air. Vietnam war veteran, Hart St. James,

wakes up next to the corpse. His outrage drives him to track down the killer with or

without the help of the law.


Author and Hollywood insider Bill Ison takes readers along for the ride as St. James

attempts to flush out this mystery murderer in Killrod:The Cross of Lorraine Murders.

It's a quest that will take him across the country, as St. James attempts to answer an ever-

twisting series of questions: Why are the studio executives interested in Moran's

relationship with prominent politicians? What is the inexplicable connection between

himself and the mysterious French-born professional assassin he suspects of committing

the gruesome killings? Who hired the assassin? And how is it that the murder weapon

seems to be the same deadly device - dubbed Killrod - that St. James had secretly

created for his own personal use in Vietnam decades ago? The trail leads to the highest

echelons of government - if only he could stay alive long enough to follow the trail's

thread to its source.    

Through it all Ison weaves gripping plot lines with the arresting detail of a master

wordsmith set in large part against the backdrop of the Los Angeles multi-cultured

tapestry. Ison sheds light - as only a film industry veteran can - on a Hollywood studio

culture that's sure to fascinate anyone who ever had the slightest interest in the movies.

Killrod is a riveting psychological thriller with a look inside the development of a killer

and a romp through an unseen criminal underground.


About the book:

Killrod by Bill Ison

ISBN: 978-1-4327-1399-7

Publisher: Outskirts Press

Date of publish: Oct 2007

Pages: 388

S.R.P.: $15.95


About the author:

Bill Ison was raised in the green timber country of Northern Wisconsin just before the

Great Depression. He had his first jackknife by age seven and his first .22 single shot rifle

when he was eight. His solitary existence led him to learn wood carving and reading.

After spending years in the corporate world including a ten-year stint as part of Mattel's

marketing team, he turned to the Hollywood film studios where he became a sculptor

creating many of the set pieces seen by millions of moviegoers. He never attempted to

have any of his writings published although some of his short stories provided the story

background for advertising some of Mattel's toys. KillRod is his first novel.



Note: Review copies of this book are available by replying to this e-mail.

Please include your mailing address.


Posted by author-promo at 11:48 AM EST

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