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Children's book: The
Magic In You
A delicate little flower brings a powerful message of grace
Denver, CO, Feb 6, 2008 - The Magic in You tells the story of a flower that has taken root by a
roadway at the edge of a beautiful forest. She is small in comparison to the other flowers and is
teased for her insignificant stature. A Billy goat comes along and eats one of her pretty golden
petals. Then a car drives by and runs over one of her leaves, leaving the flower in quite a forlorn
state. She begins to cry, which gains the attention of a nearby woodland fairy.
"'Why are you crying little flower?'
'Well,' began the little flower, 'I just don't know why I am growing here, by the side of the road,
I mean. All the other flowers make fun of me. I wasn't feeling very pretty, and I wasn't feeling
very smart..'
'Maybe.' the little flower continued, 'you could wave your magic wand and make me beautiful.
Then I would surely be happy.'
'Oh, no,' replied the fairy as she gracefully poised herself to fly away. 'You do not need my
magic to become beautiful, or happy. You can become a happy, beautiful little flower any time
you want.'"
With these thoughtful words planted in the little flower, fortuitous events begin to unfold, and the
little flower quickly learns that though her circumstances may be less than ideal, she has the
power to affect the lives of other living creatures by what she can give-kindness, love, and most
of all, forgiveness.
The message of this poignantly illustrated story is timeless and transcends a reader's age. One
reason why the story touches on such a deep level is surely due to author Sally Taylor's own life
struggle for self-acceptance after years of spousal abuse.
"We all have a choice to remain the victim or find the courage to accept ourselves with all our
faults and all the wounds we have received from others," Taylor says. "It wasn't until I
understood how much my Creator loved me and accepted me, with all of my faults, that I was
able to find the same grace for myself and others. This children's story demonstrates the struggle
to live a victorious life."
About the book:
The Magic In You by Sally Taylor
ISBN: 978-1-4327-0324-0
Publisher: Outskirts Press
Date of publish: May 2007
Pages: 40
S.R.P.: $24.95
Availability: Ingram, Baker & Taylor,,
About the author:
Through Sally H Taylor's own trials and triumph's she has come to believe in the power of faith,
love and forgiveness as key objectives in her personal pursuit of happiness. Life's experiences
have taught her valuable lessons which she has come to identify as deep rooted convictions,
feeling certain that these convictions are necessary in the pursuit of peace with one's self. Using a
colorful blend of experience, talent and imagination she dedicates her convictions to the future
generations. The Magic in You! is the first in a series of recent pursuits, with work progressing
quickly on the follow-up.
Note: Review copies of this book are available by replying to this e-mail.
Please include your mailing address. Assistance in coordinating interviews
with the author is also available by replying.
Sally Taylor" <>